Our company is called Koh Cabana. "Koh" means "island" in Thai, and adjectives are placed after nouns, so in English it would be called "Cabana Island". We are starting by selling the swimwear at events (like the previously mentioned gay pool parties). Since we are just now entering the high season here and the island is swarming with tourists, it's the perfect time to sell swimwear!
I'm currently working on setting up our website so that people can view our merchandise inventory online. Consequently, my computer screen regularly looks like this...
(I warned you about the Google search!)
2(X)IST is a slightly more subtle brand, while Andrew Christian really leaves little to the imagination. AC boasts a variety of styles, many designed for very specific purposes. I am learning more and more everyday. For instance, one type of swimsuit style has what they call "Show-It" technology. This involves a small pocket in the front of the suit which is designed to "add up to an inch and a half". No, I'm not kidding. Haha. Another suit has what is called "Flash-Lift" technology. This style involves a thick band hidden in the backside of the suit, designed to tighten and "lift" the wearer's butt. There is even a style called "Trophy Boy", which is designed for men who...let's just say men who don't need the "Show-It" technology. Haha.
As if all of this didn't involve me enough in the gay community, I now even have my photo on a gay dating app!! Haha. One of the customers that purchased our swimwear took a photo with me (which I previously posted) and used it for his profile on the app:
This puts me in an elite group of women to make an appearance on the app. I'm quite honored. Haha
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