Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tailor in Kamala

On our way back from the beach, Matt and I stopped in Kamala. This is one of the beach towns here and it is also where Matt used to live. It's a great little town!

We stopped off at Matt's tailor so that he could begin work on his Halloween costume. He wants to be a sexy caveman for Halloween and wear a pair of our swimwear, a fur vest and strappy sandals. If only I had a photo of the tailor's face as Matt was explaining the fur vest. It should be noted that the tailor spoke nearly perfect English. There was no language barrier. He understood; he just thought Matt was crazy. (Don't worry, I will be sure to get photos of this costume)

Later Matt goes, "Yeah, I'm thinking he knows I'm gay." I said, "If he didn't before I'm pretty sure the fake fur vest solidified it.." Haha

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