Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thai Food

The food here is so amazing it deserves its own post. I loved Thai food in the states, but over here it's an experience. It's also crazy cheap! It's ironically significantly cheaper to eat out than it is to grocery shop. Very counter intuitive I know. For example.....

Pad Thai

 Massaman Curry

 Yellow Curry (this was SOO spicy)

Yum Nua (spicy pork salad)
[I was well acquainted with this one thanks to my sister Jenny's love of it in the states. Jenny wait till you try it here!!]

all range from around 30 Baht ($1) to 90 Baht ($3)! That's it! But then a box of cereal from the grocery store is easily 150 Baht ($5)... Makes no sense, haha. Oh well, I'm certainly not complaining! I love the excuse to eat out. Plus it makes it easier to try a lot of new things that I would otherwise know nothing about.

Another new favorite food here are these amazing sweet BBQ pork buns (Matt is obsessed) They may look a little strange (and yeah, I know what they also resemble haha) but they are SO good! The outside is a light spongy bread and the inside is filled with this sweet, flavorful pork. We buy them frozen and then steam them. They're addicting.

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