Monday, October 21, 2013

Thai Massage

I had my first Thai massage last night. It was AMAZING. They are very intense, though. Unlike a Swedish massage with the more gentle rubbing, a Thai massage involves a lot of stretching, kneading and cracking. They actually walk on you! They also use their elbows to really dig into your muscles. It uses a lot of pressure and force. There were a few points where it was almost too much, but for the most part it was heavenly. They crack your neck, your back, and even your fingers and toes! Afterwards you feel so loose and relaxed. I highly recommend it! Here are a few images that show some of the moves they use...

They also really, genuinely massage your butt. And not like gently, but with their elbows and forearms! Which sounds kind of weird, but actually feels phenomenal..

They bend and stretch you in a variety of positions. Some of which look like they would be very uncomfortable, but somehow are not. They loosen you up in places you didn't even know were tight!

This last one feels amazing but takes a good deal of strength from the masseuse. My poor woman was literally making little grunting noises trying to lift me (she was about half my size) Haha. Matt and I had a good laugh with the masseuses when they occasionally struggled with us. But yea, do not come here if you want to feel small!

So we got an hour long massage and with the locals discount (we live very close to the place we went) it was only 200 Baht! That's about $7 for an hour long Thai massage! I woke up this morning feeling amazing. I think this will have to be a regular activity. For that price, how could it not be??

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